
Board Docs

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Click the "M" to be directed to our public Board Docs
website for all meeting agendas and information!


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Adults          Students  
  $40               $20
Ages 4 and under and 60 and older FREE!
Proper Identification for elders required
To purchase, contact the Business Office
605-823-4484 ext. 213

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To guide all learners to their full potential -- academically, culturally, emotionally and physically! 


In order to fulfill the fundamental purpose of helping everyone reach their full potential, we are dedicated to creating a school in which...

  1. Every teacher, parent and student is clear on the knowledge, skills and attituteds students are expected to acquire in each course, grade level and unit of instruction.
  2. All families feel accepted and empowered to combine resources with the school to create productive individuals for society.
  3. Students are prepared to be successful in life.
  4. Leadership is dispensed throughout the school structure.
  5. We are all proud of who we are and where we come from and are expected to go beyond what was thought possible to make a better future for ourselves, our families and our community.
  6. Teachers act in a professional manner with integrity and honesty and develop relationships characterized by caring and respect -- relationships that will lead to a rewarding professional experience.

Educational Board Goals

Goal 1:     Ensure all students are reading at grade level

Goal 2:     Ensure all students are at school and attending class daily

Goal 3:     Ensure all students stay in school from K - 12 and graduate

Goal 4:     Strengthen student, family, community and staff pride in McLaughlin

Goal 5:     Improve internal communication



McLaughlin School District 15-2
601 South Main Street
PO Box 880 
Mc Laughlin SD, 57642

Phone Number: (605) 823-4484
 Business Office Fax Number:  (605) 823-4886
MS/HS Fax Number:  (605) 823-4481
Elementary Fax Number:  (605) 823-4880
Scott Lepke
Business Manager
 Kendra Sandquist

Assistant Business Manager
 Middle/High School Principal
Jeremy Hurd
Elementary Principal
Angie Thunker
Technology Coordinator
Dan Dawson